Aging is common problem to women and men all over the world. Collagen is the most important substance for creating skin's firmness, elasticity and suppleness.
Collagen is a protein which can be found in connective tissues of humans body.
Recently, beverage industry has been buzzing about collagen drinks which should help increase the level of collagen in humans body. There are many sceptics who doesn't believe that collagen drinks can actually improve skin's condition. However, there has been studies that they actually make certain improvement. In order to that, collagen drinks are getting more and more popular. Use our experience of collagen beverages development to launch your great tasting collagen drink.
The more fertile a woman, the more attractive she is to men, scientists claim today. For many years, scientists believed that when lovers gaze at each other they are merely using facial clues - large eyes, small nose, large lips and so on - to check that their prospective mate has high "fitness" and can efficiently pass their genes to the next generation. The female sex hormone oestrogen was thought to be the mediator of beauty, which advertises health and fecundity. Nowadays much researchers have shown for the first time that women with higher levels of oestrogen do indeed have more attractive faces. The study, published today in the Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences is the first to demonstrate that women's facial appearance is linked to their well-being because oestrogen impacts on women's reproductive health and fertility.
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Collagen Drink
Aging is common problem to woman and men all over the world. Collagen is the most important substance for creating skin’s firmness, elasticity and suppleness
Collagen is a protein which can be found in connective tissues of humans body.
Recently, beverage industry has been buzzing about collagen drinks which should help increase the level of collagen in human’s body. There are many skeptics who don’t believe that collagen drinks can actually improve skin’s condition. However, there has been a study that they actually make certain improvement. In order to that, collagen drinks are getting more and more popular. Use our experience of collagen beverages developments to launch your great tasting collagen drink.